Mid-late Holocene flood events in south-eastern and central Romanian lowlands (HoLFloods)
UEFISCDI Romania, Projects for Young Research Teams, PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-1628, 2021 -2023
Director: Dr Gabriela FLORESCU ; Project team: Assoc. Prof. PhD habil. Marcel Mîndrescu, PhD students – Gheorghe Bădăluță, Ancuța Petraș, Vasilică-Dănuț Horodnic
This project aims to:
i) reconstruct the quantitative flood frequency/magnitude and the succession of flood-rich/poor phases in central and south-eastern Romanian lowland areas for the mid-late Holocene (last 6000 years);
ii) provide new palaeoclimate and paleo-vegetation/fire reconstructions to mechanistically assess the role of climate and land-use as drivers of flood occurrence.
Estimated results
1) Develop two sedimentary palaeoflood records based on two high-resolution lacustrine archives.
2) Calibrate the flood chronology against independent river flow and meteorological data (last 50/100 years), sediment traps (1-1.5 years) and documentary information (last 500 years); followed by incorporation of the palaeoflood record in the frequency/magnitude analysis.
3) Explore the medium to long-term climatic and land-use related drivers of flood occurrence (including disturbances by fire, grazing, clearance), using new and published palaeoclimatic information.
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