Streamwater quality real-time data analysis
UEFISCDI Romania, Postoctoral Research Project, 2018 – 2020 (acronym: SQRTDA; code: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-2106)
Director/Post-doctoral Fellow: Dr. Andrei-Emil BRICIU ; Mentor: Dr. Adrian GRAUR

This project aims to monitor streamwater quality parameters by using an online water quality real-time monitoring network. High temporal resolution measurements of water quality parameters are not common in Romania and this project will solve this issue for Suceava River upstream and downstream the Suceava city. Because important streamwater self-purification phenomena were observed for Suceava River (as seen in some studies), we choose to monitor other water quality parameters (than those studied until now) for a better knowledge of the self-purification mechanisms. Water measurement data will be analyzed by using the wavelet transform and other analysis techniques. All data obtained from the implemented water quality monitoring system will be publicly available online and real-time, together with data interpretations for an entire year of measurements. The wavelet transform will also be useful for offering streamwater quality forecasts. MATLAB script files will be created in order to analize streamwater quality data, to allow other to reproduce the results and to offer easy-to-implement analysis methods to everyone.
Project page: http://water.usv.ro/