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Climate and Environmental Changes in Central-Eastern Europe. Past, Present and Future – 5th Edition

We would like to invite you to the 5th Conference on Regional Climate and Environment Dynamics: Climate and Environmental Changes in Central-Eastern Europe. Past, present and future (CECCEE-2022)  Vatra Dornei, November 24-27, 2022 Dear colleagues, The conference is an initiative of the Department of Geography, University of Suceava and Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization endorsed by

THE CONFERENCE – with international participation ATMOSPHERE and HYDROSPHERE – 5th edition

Vatra Dornei, October 06-09, 2022 Dear colleagues, On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to present your paper in the 5th edition of The Conference - with international participation Atmosphere and Hydrosphere, which will be held in Vatra Dornei, Romania, between 06 and 09 October 2022. Informations/programme - download REGISTRATION


Sesiunea științifică se va desfășura on-line prin intermediul aplicației Google Meet, în perioada 1-2 iulie 2022. Vă invităm să valorificați rezultatele obținute în activitățile de cercetare! Secțiunile simpozionului: Conferinţa se adreseazǎ studenţilor geografi de la ciclurile Licenţǎ şi Masterat și Doctorat. Prezentările vor fi în format PowerPoint, fiind alocate 15 minute pentru prezentare și 5