Climate variability recorded by glacial deposits and lake sediments
UEFISCDI Romania, 650.000 RON, 2012-2016 / Director: Assoc. Prof. Marcel MINDRESCU

The goal of the project is to synthesize data from glacio-lacustrine records and glacial deposits from surrounding areas that span the Last Termination (ca 22–11.5 ka) and Holocene for climate reconstruction.
We propose the investigation of three key regions (glacial lakes within classical glacial cirques from three corners of the Romanian Carpathians – Rodna/Maramures, Iezer/Fagaras and Retezat) for understanding the pattern of glaciation(s)/deglaciation(s) and Holocene climatic events in the Carpathians in the context of rapid climate variability. Therefore, considering the location of investigation sites, our project was also coined “The Three Romanian Carpathians Corners Project”. We aim to assess the potential of mountain lake sediment records and glacial deposits from proximity in order to place current climate change in the context of long-term natural climate variability in the Romanian Carpathians.
Project page: http://georeview.ro/cirques&lakes/